I suppose there's some way to make it a stand-alone script and use an actual cron job. But it's easy to create a scheduled task. In the admin control panel, under "Scheduled Tasks" click on "Add New Scheduled Task" and fill in the fields. There's help available for each field by clicking on the ? icons on the right, but most of the text ones don't really matter, you just have to make something up. If you need more help you could go to the
vbulletin manual and read about it.
To make it run periodically, select the times of the hour you want it to run from the drop-down menus next to "Minutes". For instance if you want it to run every 15 minutes you might choose 15, 30, 45, and 00. Leave all the other time fields as '*' or '-'.
When you get to the 'Filename' field, enter the name of the file (you just have to fill in 'usercount' before the .php).
Save it and that's it. You can wait for it to run or you can go to "Scheduled Task Manager" and press the "Run Now" button next to that task to force it to run whenever you want.