Originally posted by Parker Clack
I loaded everything in the .zip file in a directory within my main forum directory. /htforum/spellchecker and I get a javascript error.
The browser quickly states that it cannot find the .class file.
I also uploaded the .zip file itself to the same directory with no luck.
What is the URL to your forums? If it is not right at the root of your URL like
http://forums.demented.org then you will have to define where it is in the applet information. Like, say your forums URL is
http://www.demented.org/forums/ you would have to use the following applet information:
<!-- spell checking -->
<applet codebase="/forums/spellchecker"
archive="xdespellchecker.jar, usenglish.jar"
alt="Applet Not Supported"
<param name="name" value="spellcheck">
<param name="scriptable" value="true">
<param name="mayscript" value="true">
<script language="JavaScript" src="/forums/spellchecker/spellcheckcode.js"></script>
<!-- /spell checking -->
Do you understand what I am saying? I should have posted this in my original post (just did!).
If you would like me to install this hack on your board for you just send me a PM and I'd be happy to help you out.