Originally Posted by gator777
I think you misunderstood the directions:
The only file you need to upload was the "shades_of_green" folder to your "image" directory. It should have looked like this...
Do you understand the file structure? You should have never included all the folders as they are only present to give you an example of where the folder should be placed.
I understand file structures...lol
What I'm saying is that by using the Mac, it does not allow me to break down the folders to get to the correct end folders. All of the files appear as a long url string with the folder names attached to the front of the file. I do not have a PC to try it on right now, but my Macbook Pro would not read the file right after it was unzipped.
The weird part is, I have uploaded at least 10 other themes from here, and never once had an issue with uploading any of them (except compatibility with 4.0.8)
Yours is the only that wouldn't work.
But it does now.
I can't explain it anymore than that.