I did, and they were able to get me thru a backdoor, but that filepath is all whopper-jawed. The path is totally incorrect for the .xml There are too many directories - at least two unneeded directories before the correct filepath which should start at \images
This is the way the filepath appeared after unzipping it:
\shades_of_green_4.0.8\upload\images\shades_of_gre en
I had to remove two directories and rename a folder from shades_of_green_4.0.8 to just shades_of_green for it to work.
They said the 553 error was caused by the filenames with the dots in it.
(FTR, I am using a Mac with FileZilla and it will not let me see into the sub folders of that file. All files within the .zip file show up as the run-on file I posted the path of above. I haven't tried it on a Windows machine to see if it is any different.)