Possibility of VB as CMS
I am looking into starting a community driven portal. It is a fiction comic/story/poetry portal where users are able to submit their own content for others to read/comment on.
1. The site would allow people to register under two modes. Paid subscription and Free.
2. Any user (paid or free) would be able to post contents (comics and/or stories) under one or more categories. (mystery, action, comedy etc).
3. All users would be able to rate the submission UP or DOWN.
4. Users (both paid and unpaid) would be able to bookmark their favorite content/author/genre etc and follow updates.
5. Whenever a new content is submitted, only the paid users (and the author who submitted it) can view the content. Only after it has a certain number of UP votes, would it be visible to all unpaid/anonymous users.
6. Other benefits for paid users would be a "paid" title after their name. Exclusive rights in forums (such as animated avatar). etc.
7. In future only paid subs would be able to create organic groups, where a team of authors will submit their works as one.
8. There will be events where users will partake and submit their works. All winners of the event will carry a tag on their page. In future there can also be paid rewards for best works.
9. Advanced Searching feature would consist of following fields
a. Type (comic, short, poetry)
b. Author Name
c. Artist Name
d. Genre (multiselect)
e. Rating (is/less than/more than) (stars)
d. Completed series (yes/no/either)
Is this possible with VB or should I just look into drupal, joomla or other full blown CMS?