Originally Posted by rfsforums
Thanks for the update! I've been testing this mod for a while and would love to use it and $ contribute but I'm having the same issues a Bobbo. Is there a work around like Bobbo suggests? Please send me a PM for the best way to $ contribute to this Mod.
Thanks! David
I'm investigating the secundary usergroups
Originally Posted by Montecristo
No added author column?
What I have to edit that template to display the author?
It's a bit difficult to add all data in the limited category view. There's also the file rating for example.
Other people wanting the files' author to be there by default?
Originally Posted by KPalicz
This may be a dumb question, but the instructions say how to install the mod if it is a new install, and how to upgrade from version 5, but no instructions on how to upgrade from a previous version of version 6. Help?
The instructions say "First time installation / Normal Upgrade" as both are pretty much the same: upload/overwrite the files on your FTP and import the product XML
Originally Posted by Hippy
the old tab is with in the new tab..
screenshot attached
firefox and IE8
That's strange as the fix is working fine on my test site. Did you import the 6.0.6 product file with the overwrite option set to yes?
Any other people with profile tab issues after the upgrade?