There are actually several reasons for not displaying Adsense or even Ads in general on this site.
- The community is new and plastering a site with Ads that is new drives people away easily
- The community is targeted to Adsense Publishers and Webmasters. Webmasters and Adsense Publishers are people who are generally not clicking on Ads, most of them even use Ad-Blocking Software
- The site name contains Adsense which is a trademark by Google and even though I did not confirm this yet several Webmasters reported that their site was blocked from Adsense due to containing Adsense in its name
Before I would start displaying Adsense Ads on my site I would contact Google if it is ok with them.
For that however I want my site to become an authority site first to increase the chances of being allowed to do so.
The main purpose of this site is to gather knowledge which is on the long run more beneficial then a few bucks.
But this is only because I have several other projects generating money for me so I am not dependent on the income from this website.
I have several other websites that are monetized by Adsense and I am doing quite well with it