Originally Posted by ppatil007
I cant get this point.
my code insert the link of orignal thread only.
if you copy this line of copyrights the hyperlinks will automatically copied. not only the text. when you copy something the hyperlinks automatically will be copied with it.
thank you for your post it's so helpful.
I will try do it 
Yes its true one who copies if he is conscious and careful he will realize that additional line is getting added ; but I think this is much better as many people might not notice that or you can modify the other coders logic to have the addition line to be a masked url that displays only after its posted . I have seen this logic also some where but cannot recollect the website . but still I suggest you work on my request and modify the code as i explain above you mod will be more popular then
see this
To answers your second question
when users copies the entire content of the post you cods postfix line also gets copied but its copied as text (and does not copy the 3 hyperlinks)
so when they paste they just paste the the text which as no use as it does not contact any hyper links to parent site where the thread was originally posted so no advertising is achieved refer the below url to understand what i have tried to explain
I think there is conflict with addbacklink product with my product because I can copy and past the hyper links normally
Original thread: test for MTS - Threadcopyrights, Author: mohammed, Site: Forums
or may be you tring to copy the text with Google chrome but Google chrome doesn't support wysiwyg editor.