Originally Posted by jnrdavo
Love the mod, and have been using it on 5 sites for about a year now....
I've been modding the swf files I have and redirecting them to a php file so I could log additional information.
$Usr= $_SERVER['remote_user'];
$CallingServer = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$UserID = $_COOKIE['bbuserid'];
$con = mysql_connect("localhost","sitelogin","sitepasswor d");
if (!$con)
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("site_forum", $con);
// Get IP Address of remote address
// $ip=@$REMOTE_ADDR;
// Update values that are required
$sql="INSERT INTO page_hits (i_date, i_time, ip_address, calling_site, calling_ad, UserName)
(now(),curtime(),'$ip','$CallingServer','Sponsor - General','$UserID')";
Would it be possible to add some further details in to this mod so that we can record the following:
calling sitename
IP address of user who click on the ad
username (if they have a login)
If so, then I reckon we would have an excellet tool and be able to produce some meaning full stats that could help people taget their advertising.
I put this on schedule for the next revision. It is a reasonable addition, although some data can't be tracked as 100% reliable, such as "the user who clicked", because it may depend on specific cookie settings to make this information available. Also, some proxies may show an IP of, which then would look like as if your server had clicked the ad
Along this addition, I'll also add an optional and complete banner impression trace, which will allow to see at least, who is viewing the banners in general. However, I will
not add any statistics at this point, which have to be studied a bit beforehand.
For all those users who would like statistics, please tell what you need, including what you would like to show (directly) to your sponsors/customers.