Originally Posted by zstewart
Anyone else with this problem.
On 4.0.8 btw did the same problem back on 4.0.7 aswell.
Sometimes the chat will not post anything users types, but if you goto Archives and Back to the main page with the chat it will start working again. Seems like a refresh problem maybe freezing? Does not happen all the time but when it does its very noticeable. (Users complain they can't see anything.)
Yeah, same here. That happends when slap, me, pm commands are enabled

, too bad, i just disabled them just to get my chat working. I can spend all the night pressing F5 (refresh page) and nothing happends!!! . Clearing chat history fixes that problem

(well, until bad commands are used again lol)
Any idea to fix it??
Originally Posted by Lazorbeam
Likewise. For example, the /slap command returns an error (user could not be found).
/slap userxyz
Does not work even is userxyz is in chat.
The correct sintaxis is:
/slap uname "user name" (without "'s of course)
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Oh btw, any of you guys got "constant string" issue at forum.php when chat is ON ???
If i disable it (Chat OFF) forum.php works just fine.
USING VB 4.0.8
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Another issue.
If I type /ban show , I can't see banned users !!!! (I'm Admin)
It showes me the non permissions page