Hello All,
Could someone please tell me where I can this stats set up from:
Please go to
http://www.head-case.org/forums/forum.php. Towards the bottom of this page, you will see:
("www.Head-Case.org Statistics
Threads:8,812Posts:398,417Members:2,870Active Members:445
Welcome to our newest member, 9Davis1968
Average Registrations:1.68 Per Day, 11.75 Per Week, 50.35 Per Month
Average Posts:232.99 Per Day, 1630.95 Per Week, 6989.77 Per Month
Average Threads:5.15 Per Day, 36.07 Per Week, 154.6 Per Month")
Now, at
http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/forum.php, you only see:
("vBulletin Community Forum Statistics
Threads:350,614Posts:2,013,900Members:233,751Activ e Members:6,722
Welcome to our newest member, Brandon Hastings")
The first lot above contain these additional stats below - and these stats are what I also want on my forum in addition the basic stuff shown in the second lot above:
("Average Registrations:1.68 Per Day, 11.75 Per Week, 50.35 Per Month
Average Posts:232.99 Per Day, 1630.95 Per Week, 6989.77 Per Month
Average Threads:5.15 Per Day, 36.07 Per Week, 154.6 Per Month")
- The question is what is this above additional mod or mods? Where can I get it from? Is it free?
Please direct.
Thank you,