Love the mod, and have been using it on 5 sites for about a year now....
I've been modding the swf files I have and redirecting them to a php file so I could log additional information.
$Usr= $_SERVER['remote_user'];
$CallingServer = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$UserID = $_COOKIE['bbuserid'];
$con = mysql_connect("localhost","sitelogin","sitepasswor d");
if (!$con)
die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db("site_forum", $con);
// Get IP Address of remote address
// $ip=@$REMOTE_ADDR;
// Update values that are required
$sql="INSERT INTO page_hits (i_date, i_time, ip_address, calling_site, calling_ad, UserName)
(now(),curtime(),'$ip','$CallingServer','Sponsor - General','$UserID')";
Would it be possible to add some further details in to this mod so that we can record the following:
calling sitename
IP address of user who click on the ad
username (if they have a login)
If so, then I reckon we would have an excellet tool and be able to produce some meaning full stats that could help people taget their advertising.