Originally Posted by bailz66
Hey Guys
I have managed to some how get the text "Remember Me?" set to transparent and have spent a few hours trying to find which stylevar controls it.
Does anyone know which stylevar i would need to update to change this to another color?
(I tried searching for a similar topic but couldn't find one)
Originally Posted by bailz66
Any help with this? Its really got me stumped
Am thinking i will just edit the template and force it to use a different color but dont really like doing that 
Originally Posted by Duncan
I would think header_color but it doesn't work.
Straight from the vbulletin-chrome.css template comes...
.toplinks .remember {
margin: -{vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}/3} 0 0 {vb:math {vb:stylevar padding}*2};
font-size: {vb:math {vb:stylevar font.fontSize}-3}px;
color: {vb:stylevar toplinks_text};
I say it's the toplinks_text style variable.