Thank you - this is great.
Installed and working well straight away.
All the links it produces seem great apart from the ones from the avatars. On my 4.7 system they link to member.php which is fine.. but then followed by the name of the area the widget is displayed in. So they are like this:
As I say, all the other links to members are fine and use the correct member info... so a small code change looks to be all that is needed.
One request to make the system really useful on our site would be for us to be able to turn things on and off in the control panel configuration. So we could turn on only the streams we want checked.
Also a 'take out' or 'include' control that perhaps uses forum numbers so we could take out forums we want excluded. For instance, at present it is displaying a lot of forums where we get the content via RSS, and masses of those entries in the lists it creates stops it being really possible for us to use it live.
This is a great idea, and thanks again for developing it.