When I get the time, I'll be willing to log in to your site and try to debug this. It could be the case that there are other plugins on my site not present on yours that are otherwise required. However, please note that I am pretty busy with other things at the moment and am not planning on actively maintaining the non-memcached version beyond the one released here, nor will I be releasing a single version that includes an option to enable/disable memcached.
Version 1.2.1, which I use on my site, is working flawlessly. I will do my best to release it here as well, but haven't had the time to write the install/uninstall queries needed for it to work. As I mentioned earlier, it uses the database to store marking times, so that even if memcached is flushed, threads beyond the user-set cutoff will not be displayed.
If you'd like to install memcached on your server, try the following command:
pecl install memcached