Originally Posted by ChemicalKicks
Remember you don't have to enable both. I would love yee either but there hasn't been the demand so I've got both disabled at the moment.
You have no idea how much i am struggling with this item. Googling the subject, and trying to figure out how to best use them.
Both have benefits and limitations. Both are also very different, functionally, in their own right. From menu options to how the content is displayed.
For example, when i post CMS with a youtube video. The main CMS page shows a smaller size video, while the individual CMS page shows the fullsize video. When i do the same post for Blogs, it only shows a fullsize video for either view.
Another example, is the main CMS page shows the video to the left, with preview text to the right of video. This same posting on the main Blog page shows text either above or below the video, not side-by-side; even though the page layouts are identical.
Another major difference is that you can promote a FORUM Thread to article or blog. You can promote a BLOG thread to article. But, you cannot promote an article to Blog or Forum.
So some users prefer to write blogs, so that its closely tied to their profile, as you can easily view the users blogs, and search blogs. But that functionality is not so easily done with CMS postings.
On the same note, you can customize layouts, widgets, and what aspects of articles are shown. You dont have the same flexibility with Blogs, your sorta stuck with the limited menu of options in the sidebar.
Both have tags and categories. But, people can search these differently. With CMS you can limit what categories people can use. But, with Blogs, people can use default categories or create their own categories.
Blogs have a calendar function, while articles does not.
So you can see there are lots of subtle differences to consider, and not so easy to change everything once someone begins using blogs vs articles etc.
So i need to make sure which ever direction my website goes, that its expected to be a long term endeavor.