I just can't get this to work for me. I'm new like I said on the other thread. I cam ehere to see if I maybe had the wrong version.
I upload it all, I do take care to make sure the files go from the folder to their corresponding files on the server. I use core ftp.
I check my site and everything is fine.
I then go to manage plug isn and import the xml and my site turns to just a list of files.
I'm interested in three of your pro prodicts but not if I can't get them to work with 4.0.8.
What could be causing this?
As soon as I uninstall the xml through manage products my site goes back to normal.
I'm trying to get this site built as soon as I can and I don't want to attempt installing anything else until the download system is in, that way I know what mod is causing the issue. I have no theme as yet and likely won't take one, except for a bit of recolouring.
Can you help with this so that I can let my moderators test the lite one, please?