Alright, I'll try to speed type and not watch TV or smoke or take a piss or leave this desk while I make this reply the meaning of my life:
The instructions for installation you've provided are:
Import the xml file from the product manager..
Upload the files in the upload folder to your forums via ftp.
There is an xml file included when I unzip. What's this unreadable code about? Is it supposed to be opened in a particular program?
I have put the OTHER xml file on my website's server in includes/xml.
I always get 'Invalid File Specified'.
I am guessing that I am supposed to:
1. Login as administrator to my own site.
2. Click admin in the bottom right hand corner.
3. Click 'Plugins and Products'.
4. Click 'Manage Products'.
5. Click [Add/Import Product]
6. In the 'OR import the XML file from your server' box, type: ./includes/xml/bitfield_vbhtabs.xml
7. Click Import.
Anything I've done wrong? Is there a cache removal tool in vbulletin 4.0.8? I don't get it. I REALLY need competent instructions please.