So since finally getting my Internet back, I've spent the past 24 hours working on the Point Market 3.1.0. So far this is what I got:
Some Bugs
- Several XHTML fixes on the Market Display
- Stealing Bugs fixed related to vBExperience
- Double Posting of purchases now extremely limited
New Features
- Ability to control whether an item can be refunded for some market forum items
- Time span between market forum item purchases (Controllable by Admins)
- Usergroup control over Purchase History AND Market Converter
- Navbar links now will not show if users don't have access by usergroup
- Ability to create
Forum Market Item Categories AND Subcategories
- Ability to use existing Market Items as a template to create new market items
- Ability to delete forum market item categories and items
This is what I was able to accomplish in about 24 hours. I've attached a little screenshot so you guys can see what I mean. Some of the new icons you need to put your mouse over for additional info such as the pricing icon which will display the exact amount a market item costs before any kind of deductions (usergroup discount, coupons, etc.)
Also, this I haven't scripted it yet but this will be the release where I finally add user's ability to change avatars and smileys. More to come but as always I'm open to suggestions