Microsoft seem to have been bastards and switched up all the URL's to Add Friends etc to JavaScript.b As a result, this "" has become buried in here somewhere:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function FriendCenterObject() {
var fcAction = function(actionUrl, gamerTag, responseHandler) {
responseHandler = responseHandler || function(response) {
if (response.status != 0) {
DisplayMessageDialog('Error', response.view, 'Close', null, MessageLevelType.Error);
else {
DisplayMessageDialog('Message', response.view, 'Close', FriendCenter.RefreshContentAction);
$.post(actionUrl, { 'gamerTag': gamerTag }, responseHandler);
this.AcceptFriendRequest = function(gamerTag) {
fcAction('/en-GB/FriendCenter/AcceptFriendRequest', gamerTag);
return false;
this.DeclineFriendRequest = function(gamerTag) {
'Decline Friend Request',
'Are you sure you want to decline the friend request?',
function() {
fcAction('/en-GB/FriendCenter/DeclineFriendRequest', gamerTag);
}, null, '', MessageLevelType.Warning);
return false;
this.CancelFriendRequest = function(gamerTag) {
'Cancel Pending Request',
'Are you sure you want to cancel your pending friend request?',
function() {
fcAction('/en-GB/FriendCenter/CancelFriendRequest', gamerTag);
}, null, '', MessageLevelType.Warning);
return false;
this.AddFriend = function(gamerTag) {
gamerTag = $.trim(gamerTag); // trim leading and trailing whitespaces
if (gamerTag != "") {
fcAction('/en-GB/FriendCenter/SendFriendRequest', gamerTag);
return false;
this.RemoveFriend = function(gamerTag) {
'Are you sure you want to remove this player from your friends list?',
function() {
fcAction('/en-GB/FriendCenter/RemoveFriend', gamerTag);
}, null, '', MessageLevelType.Warning);
return false;
this.BlockFriend = function(gamerTag) {
'Block User',
'Are you sure you want to block this player from all further communications?',
function() {
fcAction('/en-GB/FriendCenter/BlockFriend', gamerTag);
}, null, '', MessageLevelType.Warning);
return false;
this.RefreshContentAction = function(){};
var FriendCenter = new FriendCenterObject();
Which means all the hard coded stuff is no worthless as it leads to an "Oops" page. Any chance of a fix or is is just a case of stripping all the fat from the pop-up?