One of the nice things about vBulletin is that showthread was designed so that each message is in a separate table, which keeps wide messages with code from making the entire thread go wide. When you wrap showthread in a table, though, you break that nice feature, since each message table will then go as wide as the outer table, which will be as wide as the widest message. Moreover, a message with code is breaking out to the left as well as the right, as the browsers struggle to make sense of the width specifications.
Pretty is nice, but not at the expense of functional. Since is, by definition, a site where many posts may be expected to contain code, I suggest you sacrifice the neat look, if need be, and break showthread out of the wrapping table. You might be able to retain the thin silver border, but the drip thing would have to end before the first post in the thread, but it might be better to just accept a less elaborate look for showthread.
In sizing the columns in showthread, here's what I've found works best across browsers. Use a spacer gif in the author column (including the heading where it says "Author" "Thread"). Set the width to between 160-175, height to 1. Remove width attributes from _all_ the columns except for the thread column. Set the width on the thread column in showthread and postbit to 90%. That should force the thread column to butt up against the spacer gif in the author column, then resize out, when there is pre text in the message.