Yes I did, I took the ARCADEvb4 template and made changes to it
And Yes replace your ACRADE template with the new template.
I have no idea why it does not call that template if you install on vb4..
vb3 or vb4 it calls the same ARCADE template..
was easier to just do what I did than try and track something down that might be fixed anyway in the next version.. as far as the marquee, I posted about this and it was never replied on.. it works fine in firefox for Opera.. but not in IE.. but it will work in IE if you have compatibility view on..
If it's miss alined .. you need to change this code , I posted this before as well
change from
<dt>{vb:raw post.crowns}{vb:raw post.champtext}</dd>
<dd>{vb:raw post.crowns}{vb:raw post.champtext}</dd>
hope this helps you pal..