Originally Posted by johkalhaups
Thanks for the hard work.
Will the next release be vB 4.0.8 compatible cause they added that whole customize member profile thing and there are more images to upload for that, etc.
Yes i will aim for this over the weekend, but from what i am lead to believe is that vBulletin 4.0.8 will allow for older styles to be implemented without causing any issues, the customized profile section should not be based on the style so i don't see any problems with this, as i mentioned in one of my other threads i am yet to personally check this however i was told that 4.0.8 would add the ability to import older style versions without causing any conflicts.
So at the time of writing this and what ive been told you should be able to import this 4.0.7 style into a 4.0.8 board without any issues, 4.0.8 should now realize that the style is for 4.0.7 and adjust the settings accordingly.
Ive not had a chance to run over 4.0.8 yet so i have no idea what has been dropped or added to the stylevars system... basically if 4.0.8 lets us import a vb4.0.7 style without causing any issues then there will be no need for me to export as a 4.0.8.. i will however fix the few minor stylevars errors such as the deleted thread and things like that etc.
Regards, Darren