Originally Posted by TheMayhem
Sorry for my absence. I'm back at school now and my landlord decided that Internet wasn't part of the lease so I've been without Internet for the past 3 weeks. Oh to be a college student....
Anyways, todays the first day I got it back. I've been using http://www.vbaddict.net for my bug reporting for those who aren't aware and decided to go ahead and release 3.0.1. It has a bunch of small fixes to some reported bugs. The only bug that is noticeable for everyone I haven't fixed yet is the private message reply bug when a user has purchased a glow or color, I'm still working on that one. If I do figure out a fix I'll prompt a 3.0.2 release just for that. Outside of that the only other bug not fixed that was reported was stealing with vbExperience doesn't work. I still have to verify that one.
3.0.0 was way more stable then I expected and with 3.0.1 released and the lack of bugs, I am going to start on 3.1.0. Generally coding these things takes me a few weeks to do so my goal is to have something out by Thanksgiving break. I gotta get caught up on all the missed posts and feature suggestions and hopefully I'll have something out for you guys.
Hopefully all my supporters didn't disapear while I was gone. PS I turned 23 during my absence  Growing old sucks  !
does that mean this is one of the bugs fixed?
i still have this issue if you can help me out. Thanks for all the hard work you do