Originally Posted by Bellethiel
Well I guess there are times when girls ask themselves: "Do I look fat in this?" Everyone knows those times but i'm sure you'll ask yourself why i write about this. The answer to that is pretty simple: My avatar DOES look fat in the pp game since it is a 150*200 one. That's why i'm suggesting that you don't make a square out of the avatars when you resize them but leave them in their proportions if possible.
Edit: It would also be nice if you would write the Timezone you are meaning in the Game Info box.
It is in your timezone. The users timezone they select in vB is what time it displays. Meaning that time is valid to what time it is or will be for them personally. The avatars I will fix. It is setup for 3 size images just dont have it on at moment. Will turn it on probably tomorrow or next day. Then you wont have images all big and so on. But they will have to be re-sized if to big. Facebook has 3 images small, medium, large for pictures vb does not. Has a single so will have this asap.