Originally Posted by GeorgeB85
That is your right, but to be honest, if VB sticks with what they said on the release of 4.0, where anyone who wants 4.1 has to repay the licensing fees, I don't think many will. They shoved 4.0 out within just a few months of releasing it, and a lot of people run free boards, with no income from them.
However, like I said, it is your right.
You will not have to repay for 4.1.
If you payed for 4.x you will have VB up until vb 5.x.
You are entitled to any thing they release 4.1.0, 4.1.6, 4.2.x, 4.3.x.
Trust me I am not spending any more money with VB, unless they make a hell of a turn around. I do have to admit it is getting better. I want a copy of that other software and I might just like that way better. who knows I never tried it yet.
P.S. I also run a free board and pay for everything and I run no ads as I hate them.