Originally Posted by Domenico
Same here! I only see them when I set 'Show Mod log entries from last X days only' to NO.
Can you please fix this?
The workaround for me is to turn off the 'time period'. When that is marked 'no' it works to show infractions and points.
I'm guessing this has to do with the evil php 5.3.1 I am running. I'm guessing it has broken this construct:
PHP Code:
if ($vbulletin->GPC['cybms_del']<1)
$cybmodstats_timeperiod = "";
$cybmodstats_timeperiod_tot = "";
[B]if ($vbulletin->options['cybmodstats_time_period'])
$fromtime = TIMENOW - ($vbulletin->options['cybmodstats_period_days']*24*60*60);
$cybmodstats_timeperiod = "AND moderatorlog.dateline > $fromtime";
$cybmodstats_timeperiod_tot = "WHERE dateline > $fromtime";
--- later ---
OK, comparing to his 4.0 product I came up with this fix. Sorry to go all Unix 'diff' utility on you folks, but I'm off to shop for my wife's birthday.
diff -c Cyb_MS.xml Cyb_MSfixed.xml
*** Cyb_MS.xml 2008-10-26 14:55:56.000000000 -0700
--- Cyb_MSfixed.xml 2010-10-18 20:20:44.000000000 -0700
*** 84,94 ****
--- 84,96 ----
$cybmodstats_timeperiod = "";
$cybmodstats_timeperiod_tot = "";
+ $cybmodstats_timeperiod_inf = "";
if ($vbulletin->options['cybmodstats_time_period'])
$fromtime = TIMENOW - ($vbulletin->options['cybmodstats_period_days']*24*60*60);
$cybmodstats_timeperiod = "AND moderatorlog.dateline > $fromtime";
$cybmodstats_timeperiod_tot = "WHERE dateline > $fromtime";
+ $cybmodstats_timeperiod_inf = "AND dateline > $fromtime";
$cybmodstats_exclgroups = "";
if ($vbulletin->options['cybmodstats_exclgroups'])
*** 114,120 ****
if ($vbulletin->options['cybmodstats_enable_infractions'])
$cybmodstats_infpoints = 0;
! $cybmodstats_get_infr = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT whoadded, points, dateline FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "infraction WHERE whoadded='".$cybmodlogstat['userid']."' $cybmodstats_timeperiod ");
$cybmodstats_infractions = $db->num_rows($cybmodstats_get_infr);
while ($cybmodinfractions = $db->fetch_array($cybmodstats_get_infr))
--- 116,122 ----
if ($vbulletin->options['cybmodstats_enable_infractions'])
$cybmodstats_infpoints = 0;
! $cybmodstats_get_infr = $vbulletin->db->query_read("SELECT whoadded, points, dateline FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "infraction WHERE whoadded='".$cybmodlogstat['userid']."' $cybmodstats_timeperiod_inf ");
$cybmodstats_infractions = $db->num_rows($cybmodstats_get_infr);
while ($cybmodinfractions = $db->fetch_array($cybmodstats_get_infr))