I'm not really sure what to do to improve, custom isn't always better- I could suggest some custom status icons maybe but do i really think they are necessary? No... The forum defaults are pretty good for a lot of sites, you're not a gaming site or an artsy site where these things are expected. Your claim to fame will be your content so I think policing that it going to be the best bang for your buck.
I just went to your free stuff section, clicked on the most recent thread- one for Free Dole Fruit bites posted yesterday and unfortunately they are already out of stock... I can see there are going to be a lot of time wasted following dead links.
I don't know your personal coding skills or financial resources but an investment in time and/or money for a mod where people can report right on the post a "thumbs up" if they were successful at getting the deal or a "thumbs down" if the deal expired might be a good investment - perhaps with the display of the last date/time it was successful somewhere in the postbit would be a big time saver for the members.
The thread prefix isn't bad but will be a pain to keep up with IMO.