Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
I visited your site... The style seems pretty average and at the moment the content isn't appealing to my needs so I didn't really have anything to say.... certainly nothing "wrong" with it though..
Thanks for your time. I am currenlty working on enhancements. I would really appreciate if you could share any ideas or suggestions to improve it.
Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5
Just for the heck of it I followed two links on the top two posts in your lounge... the one for batteries was sold out and the one for a netbook linked to a dead page. I realize these may be posted by other users so it's hard to ensure quality and that deals do sell out but as someone just browsing trying to make a mental determination as to whether it's worth it to bookmark this site it doesn't send a good vibe.
Yep, you were absolutely right. This is going to be a common issue across my forums. We are planning to implement a process of modifying the thread title in the future with the prefix of "EXPIRED" or "DEAD" so that user won't be disappointed.