This is a really SWEET Mod! It installed just fine on my vB 3.8.6PL1 forum and runs like a top.
One question though, on the THREAD TAGGER/TAGS RELATED WORDS page a note states:
"Separate values by comma i.e.: for tag cat related words can be:
Do NOT use spaces between related words!"
When you state
Do NOT use spaces between related words are you trying to explain:
1)Use commas instead of spaces
-or do you mean that-
2)you can-not have (for instance) 'related words' of say
hi viz being related to
If #1, I understand completely.
However if it's #2, it puzzles me that one can have a
TAG that does contain spaces within it (i.e.
gas prices -or-
row bike, but not a RELATED WORD w/spaces in it?

So can one use
brake pads as a Related Word for a
TAG of
brakepad, or must it be done vice-versa?(i.e.
brakepad as a Related Word for a TAG of
brake pads)