Great mod buds, I love it. But that is not why I am posting. I am posting because I have found the cause of your 2nd known bug
Known Bugs:
Avatar Alignments Off
Phrase / Formatted Date Problem (unable to reproduce)
What's New - Events crashes
This is the template
This is the line
<b><phrase 1="$rsvp_day_formatted">{vb
hrase calendar_rsvp_attendquestion}</b><br />
This is the phrase
This is the phrase text
Will you be able to attend on {1}?
This is the error showing up on forums
Will you be able to attend on %1$s?
Hope this helps you come up with a fix. For now I have just changed the phrase text from
Will you be able to attend on {1}
Will you be able to attend event?
That smiley face is supposed to be : p without the space in between. Sorry.
Also this <i>${vb

hrase calendar_rsvp_maychange}</i></font> needs to have the $ taken out as it did say (after you RSVP) $You may change your RSVP status below. and without the $ it just says You may change your RSVP status below.
See here.
TD from