What a freakin mess ...
I should have read more of the posts here and based upon those, tested more thoroughly before we installed this as a basis for a live charitable donations project for a 13,000+ membership due to start tomorrow ...
For example ....
Usergroup/Membership Change (Optional)
Your Donor/VIP usergroup ID .... 17
Move or Add confirmed donor to your VIP/Donor usergroup? ... "Add User to VIP/Donar Group"
Also change user's "Display Usergroup" to VIP/Donor usergroup ... NO
Set up as above and when Admin CONFIRMS payment, nothing happens. The user is NOT added to the secondary usergroup 17 and when you check his user name in the Admin CP, no checkmark appears for him to be a member of that user group.
Of course, I can go into the AdminCP and manually ADD every user to group 17 who donates, but what was the point of putting into the mod an option that doesn't work, or am I missing something else that needs to be set also?
Running vb4.04pl1 ...
Edit update: Tried the "Add to Donar Group" drop down box option and it puts the checkmark in the usergroup 17 when viewed under AdminCP, but the user rank associated with that user group never appears. If you hit SAVE for that user in AdminCP while the checkmark put there by this mod is showing, the user is now shown as belonging to that group and the banner for that group appears. Bizarre stuff ...