Originally Posted by slinky
I just sent you a PM with the site info. I am now running the recount again and you'll see the errors that will come up and double calculations when it rolls over in the activities panel. I never get past the "3 months registered" achievement. Never gets to the 1 year, etc. and then the rest of the achievements.
Originally Posted by slinky
I still haven't been able to do a recount. It gets stuck at "processing achievement 8" although I see a "processing complete" link at the bottom of the page. I click that and it just goes back into the loop, processing users twice in a row for 3 month awards and can't seem to get past that. I'm wondering if others are experiencing a similar bug. I have many users on my site (over 50,000) but this shouldn't present a problem as it finished the others.
Originally Posted by slinky
I deleted the "xperience_achievements_issues" table and ran the rebuild again. There must be some bug because it apparently completes everything up to the 8th award, which is 3 months of membership. Then it loops again into the that award and I can see in the "Activities" panel it showing that members are receiving the 3 month award twice in a row, then it goes to the next member and does the same thing. Hmmm.... disappointing. Hopefully this can be figured out.
Still cannot confirm this. I will read your PM and take a closer look.
Originally Posted by slinky
I noticed there was also an error in the 1 year achievements - it says "719" in the "days since registering" part of the details of the achievement. I changed it to 365 and saved it. I can't imagine this happened random and I guess it's an error in the install data.
This is not an error. You should revert it. Please read readme.txt:
Q: My conditions don't work correctly on achievements and promotions.
A: Conditions in achievements and promotions are calculated in POINTS, not in count of items.
If you create an achievement for reaching the first 10 Days, you must enter the points needed for this. If you reward 2 points for every day, you have to set 2 points for every day since registering. Calculation: 10 days * 2 points = 20 as condition. So you will have to set 20 as the condition.
Originally Posted by slinky
I also noticed that the "Overdrive" was set to 100 days. I fixed that and put in 3650 for 10 years. But I noticed that this last achievement will not allow me to have the system save "replace... Veteran." It defaults to a dash (no selection) after saving. I also can't change the names of these achievements either.
Originally Posted by slinky
Got it - the source of the bug was the dates that were pre-entered into the vBexperience achievements above. It is now processing everythin correctly. The only item outstanding but right now is the Overdrive bug that doesn't allow replacement of the Veteran nor does it allow renaming the name of the achievements (won't save.)
"Overdrive" is an achievement for users if they reach 100% activity. It has nothing to to with days, years, etc.... Why can't you change the name? Please explain more, like error, etc...