Originally Posted by Phalynx
This should no happen. I know other boards running that count of users having no issues. Can I take a look at this? Please PM me.
I just sent you a PM with the site info. I am now running the recount again and you'll see the errors that will come up and double calculations when it rolls over in the activities panel. I never get past the "3 months registered" achievement. Never gets to the 1 year, etc. and then the rest of the achievements.
Originally Posted by slinky
I still haven't been able to do a recount. It gets stuck at "processing achievement 8" although I see a "processing complete" link at the bottom of the page. I click that and it just goes back into the loop, processing users twice in a row for 3 month awards and can't seem to get past that. I'm wondering if others are experiencing a similar bug. I have many users on my site (over 50,000) but this shouldn't present a problem as it finished the others.
Originally Posted by slinky
I deleted the "xperience_achievements_issues" table and ran the rebuild again. There must be some bug because it apparently completes everything up to the 8th award, which is 3 months of membership. Then it loops again into the that award and I can see in the "Activities" panel it showing that members are receiving the 3 month award twice in a row, then it goes to the next member and does the same thing. Hmmm.... disappointing. Hopefully this can be figured out.