I just wanted to say that I'm quite impressed with your custom theme. It's very nice for your first vBulletin skin. There are only a few things I would suggestion:
- I'm not really liking your main site logo. It looks generic and not quite as sophistocated as the rest of the theme. When I design sites, I design the logo first and design the rest of the site to complement it. To me it seems as if you didn't do this, but rather designed the theme and stuck up a temporary logo marker. Perhaps you have a logo being designed?
- I don't really like the custom icons you have in the "Platform Gaming" section. I'd recommend keeping the icons the same unless you plan on customizing every single one of them.
- Make a custom favicon (preferably 16x16px) and upload it to your root folder.
- And one additional thing ==> I think you should have contrasting colours for your links on hover. That's nitpicking I guess LOL
Anyway - very impressive first effort! Good luck with the site
--------------- Added [DATE]1287014719[/DATE] at [TIME]1287014719[/TIME] ---------------
btw - what did you use to design your navbar?
I especially like
Also - to get rid of the adblock issue - code your ad in a <div> with width/height specified -- perhaps 472x64px with transparent background/transparent border so the space is still visible as should be whether adblock is enabled or disabled