Originally Posted by Jafo232
Hey silkroad, I work for multi-million dollar websites, go back to picking your nose..
Hey Jafo,
You might work for multi-million dollar websites; but you don't understand anything about GeoIP.
You have never installed it. You have not read the documentation. You know nothing about it.
PS: Multi-million dollar web sites don't run on shared hosting. Sounds like you work on little tiny web sites, LOL, Since only small web sites run on shared hosting without root access.
You can argue now, and you can hurl all the insults you want; but the bottom line is that you have no idea what you are talking about.
While I am off "picking my nose", why don't you go download the GeoIP API you like and install it and learn something about what you need to learn.
If you are such a great "web guru on multi million dollar sites" you can update your mod to use GeoIP before I get a chance to do "the pickin'"
Your mod is really poorly written. Why not listen and improve it?
Why do you think OpenX Ad server, which serves more ads that any (free) ad server on the market, uses GeoIP?