Chmod stands for "Change Mode".
As with this install you are going to change file permissions to certain folders.
The main one you need is CHMOD 777 which is the owner/group/public - read/write permissions.
You need to find an FTP program, I use Filezilla which is free but any will do.
There are 3 source boxes you need to fill in that will be supplied by your host.
1) Host (usually your IP address of your site 2) Username 3) Password
Once entered, look at the two boxes in the lower quadrant of your program.
The left is what's on your PC and the right is your server.
Locate your upload folder for arcade on your PC then locate your root folder on your server called public_html
Drag and drop all folders into public_html ie left click hold shift and arrow down till all folders are highlighted now still holding the left click move your mouse to the public_html foldr and release.
Now in your right pane enter public_html and locate the folder called Arcade, right click and look at the bottom menu it should say file permissions, click this and your attributes will show up, I think it is set at 755, tick write on group permissions and write on public permissions your numeric value should change to 777.
Tick recurse into sub-directories and click OK