Originally Posted by Rik Brown
I've installed this mod on vb 4.0 and it working just like on 3.8.
Some suggestions that would be nice for any update:
1) An Active/Inactive switch (I like this in all mods) so one doesn't need to go to the Plugins & Products area to disable
2) Toggle for whether it will exclude or include the listed countries for moderation (as per the instructions in message #7 above showing how to alter the whois.php file)
3) Click to update zone files (or at least a reminder URL link to the site) using wget.
4) A reminder of the date when the zone files were last updated (perhaps just a read of the date for one major zone file).
Thanks for this useful mod. -- Rik
Agreed. Certainly needs the standard "turn mod on/off option" and all you mention above. These are simple, but important updates.
Originally Posted by dknelson
I think that this is one of the best mods available for VBulletin anywhere. If it is improved, I would sure be interested but it's already about the best thing out there.
Well, there are a lot of good vB mods. This one has potential, but to say it is "one of the best mods available" is a bit odd, isn't it? It does not even have a basic, standard mod on/off configuration option.
If we take the suggestions from Rik and add a option to use mod_geoip versus the large flat file database, it would be quite an improvement.