Ok, I wrote up an irc bot in php that idles in my irc channel, logs the previous X lines of the conversation, and grabs the list of nicks in the channel, organised by status. All of this is through a mysql database, and works wonderfully. I added some code to retrieve and list this to forum/index.php so that it displays underneath the Currently Online Users list, like so:
Users on IRC: 14 ( 10 ops, 1 voiced, 3 normal ) View last ten messages
dolmant, Jason, MrB, MrB|bowling, O_o|fewd, ubik, webmaster, Weidas|gone, wolvie, [bot]dirgotronix, dubya, Booger|away, listbot, spoon
Now, I'd like to add this to Who's Online as well, and I'm not sure how to go about that. Basically all I need to do is add in a while loop that spits out the html for it in Who's Online, but I don't know where! I want to put it on the bottom of the list, below the last guest and above the legend. Is there a way I can just make a template for the html, toss a var on the who's online template, and run the code through online.php to make it show up? Some help would be greatly appretiated.
Check out the example on my forum:
Thanks for any insight!