Carnage- have you noticed a lot of comments removed from the jira about incorporating the feature of this mod into vB? I especially noticed that my last comments were deleted.
I've not noticed any be deleted
That's the Vbulletin bug tracker. But it's not your fault - he should have included a link or two to illustrate his point. As soon as I read his message I wanted to go look and see if I had voted, but without a link I wasn't going to go track it down myself.
The link is in the first post at the bottom
I never quite got that... can anyone give an example scenario in which you'd want to use multiple forums for CMS comments?
Well, it depends on your situation - if you really want to use the vb CMS in a similar way to vbAdvanced; for example you may just want to highlight the best threads from each of your current forums a featured posts section; thus you want comment threads in different forums.