Originally posted by Logtenberg
Can you show a screen shot or url of your events hack? I really want to implement this on my site.
I still havent figured out how to incorporate birthdays into upcoming events. Even though they show up on the calendar, they are not stored in the same place as calendar events.
The rest of it works fine though.
Here are a couple of screenshots and instructions for my modified version of the hack:
This is what happen when there are no upcoming events:
This is what happens when there are, notice that I can only show todays birthdays and it is separate from the events. I want to combine them:
I don't want to post instructions until I have finished this hack. I am still planning on incorporating Birthdays into the upcoming events and putting two options in the user control panel: One to select yes/no whether to display upcoming events at all, another to select how far into the future they want events displayed (1week, 2 weeks, 1 month). Once I have those things finished I will post instructions..