@ PPN, first of all, THX for the hack !
when I search only for a ip address I get this error:
Invalid SQL: SELECT loginid,username,password,ip,userid,FROM_UNIXTIME( atime) as atime
FROM loginlog WHERE 1=1 AND INSTR(LCASE(ipaddress),'')>0
ORDER BY username LIMIT 0,300 mysql error: Unbekanntes Tabellenfeld 'ipaddress' in where clause.
mysql error number: 1054
I cange in loginlog.php line 170-171 from:
if ($aipaddress!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(LCASE(ipaddress),'".addslashes(strtolower($a ipaddress))."')>0";
to this:
if ($aipaddress!="") {
$condition.=" AND INSTR(LCASE(ip),'".addslashes(strtolower($aipaddre ss))."')>0";
You think that OK ?? because im not a SQL expert !