I have it fixed in the next version. If you want to manually fix it for now
Open garage.php
At line 1424 you should see
PHP Code:
// Finally construct the page nav
$garage_nav_path = $mainpage_url . '?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . 'do=search_results';
if ($sort)
$garage_nav_path .= '&sort=' . $sort;
if ($order)
$garage_nav_path .= '&order=' . $order;
//Add search vars
if ($do == "browse_model")
$garage_nav_path .= "&front_model_id=$front_model_id";
} else {
$garage_nav_path .= $garage_nav_path_vars;
Replace it with
PHP Code:
// Finally construct the page nav
if ($do == "browse_model")
$garage_nav_path = $mainpage_url . '?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . 'do=browse_model&front_model_id=' . $front_model_id;
} else {
$garage_nav_path = $mainpage_url . '?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . 'do=search_results';
if ($sort)
$garage_nav_path .= '&sort=' . $sort;
if ($order)
$garage_nav_path .= '&order=' . $order;
$garage_nav_path .= $garage_nav_path_vars;