Need a usefull vB4 Search. Think its easy.
Hey all,
first sry my englisch. i have a big problem with the searchsystem from vb4. my problem is that i have many forums and the search only display the forum with the content in it an not the path from the main forums of that.
an example
Forum: News (with no over / main forum and not postable)
- Subforum: Hardware
Forum: Previews (with no over / main forum and not postable)
- Subforum: Hardware
Forum: Reviews (with no over / main forum and not postable)
- Subforum: Hardware
If i now post a news, Preview and a Review about the same produkt like Geforce GTX 480 the searchresults are.
Geforce GTX 480 in Hardware
Geforce GTX 480 in Hardware
Geforce GTX 480 in Hardware
Thats not realy good.
I like a result like that:
Geforce GTX 480 in News/Hardware
Geforce GTX 480 in Previews/Hardware
Geforce GTX 480 in Reviews/Hardware
I hope you understand my Problem. I think ist a very usefull add-on so help me plz. Thanks a lot