we are implementing a Little Archieve in our Board, and so some little Hacks would help us. I am not sure how to do this, maybe someone can help me.
In the Forum now we put some Information and it is absolut not of Interest when this Things are posted, it would be better, if the Threads are sorted alphbetically. Is this possible? Possibly a Hack, where to Change the sorting in the CP for each Forum.[*]
In This Forum only the Moderators and Administrators schould rate the Treads. I can Build in, that Usergroups can rate, if rating is anabled, but in all other Forums Registered Users can Rate, but in this Forum they should not Rate. Is This Possible? May in Connection with a Text in the Small Permissions Box an the bottom of the Site: You can't rate in this Forum.[*]
disabling Columns
And the third Question is, if i can disable some Columns in the Overview of this Forum. It is absolutetly not from interest, how many Posts a Thread has, the Most of them have only one! [/list=1]
I Hope some of you have an Idea, or know a Hack that helps me.
Thanks and regards
PS: The Forum is in German: