yes, there are 2 instances in warnuser.php where you need to reverse the touserid and userid
You did the top one, but look further down, you forgot the second one
Once complete, it should resemble this
// alter table user add column warnings int default 0;
## Edit This: ##
$ban = 1; // 0 = Never ban nomatter what; 1 = Ban after $numwarn has been passed
$numwarn = 0; // Number of warnings till user gets banned
$bannedgrp = 30; // Group id for banned users
## Stop Editing ##
$warning["new_spammer"]["title"] = "[Warning] Spamming On Forums!";
$warning["new_spammer"]["msg"] = "You have been caught spamming the Forums. Your posting access to the forums has been suspended. You can contact an administrator for consideration at re-instatement.";
$warning["spammer"]["title"] = "[Warning] Off-Topic Posting on DSSChat Forums!";
$warning["spammer"]["msg"] = "You have violated some rules on the DSSChat Forum, usually an off-topic post where is does not belong. Your posting access to the forums has been suspended. You can contact an administrator regarding re-instatement.";
$warning["flamer"]["title"] = "[Warning] Flaming On Forums!";
$warning["flamer"]["msg"] = "You have violated some rules on DSSChat Forums, usually flaming other users or other un-acceptable conduct. Your posting access to the forums has been suspended. You can contact an administrator regarding re-instatement.";
if(isset($touserid)) {
$DB_site->query("update user set pmpopup='1',warnings=warnings+1 where userid='$touserid'");
$useri = $DB_site->query_first("select * from user where userid='$touserid'");
if(($useri[warnings] == "1") or ($ban == 0)) {
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO privatemessage (touserid,userid,fromuserid,title,message,dateline ,showsignature,iconid,messager ead,folderid) VALUES ($touserid,$bbuserinfo[userid],$bbuserinfo[userid],'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($warning[$why][title]))."','".addslashes($warning[$why][msg])."',".time().",'1','0',0,0)");
mail($toemail,$warning[$why]["title"],$warning[$why]["msg"],"From: \"$bbtitle Mailer\" <$webmasteremail>");
echo "User Altered To Need to Read Status and Email sent.";
} elseif($useri[warnings] > $numwarn) {
$bannedtl = "You have been suspended.";
$bannedmsg = "You have broken some forum rules and your posting privliges have been suspended. Contact An administrator regarding re-instatement.";
$DB_site->query("update user set usergroupid=$bannedgrp where userid='$touserid'");
$DB_site->query("INSERT INTO privatemessage (userid,touserid,fromuserid,title,message,dateline ,showsignature,iconid,messager ead,folderid) VALUES ($touserid,$bbuserinfo[userid],$bbuserinfo[userid],'".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($bannedtl))."','". addslashes($bannedmsg)."',".ti me().",'1','0',0,0)");
mail($toemail,$bannedtl,$bannedmsg,"From: \"$bbtitle Mailer\" <$webmasteremail>");
echo "User Altered To Need to Read Status and Email sent.";
} else {
echo "eeek";