Originally Posted by Jaxel
DBTech, yes, we've had our run ins. But I have since admitted that I was wrong, and I'm hoping that we've put the sour period behind us. You sell professional versions of your products am I right? Then you have a fiduciary responsibility to keep your mods going, as you have customers who have paid for your software. All of my software is available for free; therefore I answer to no one.
We certainly have Jaxel, I was simply putting the context there so people would understand that my words came not out of a close relationship/friendship with yourself, but out of an honest observation and interpretation of the situation: That the actions you took were to support something you believed in, and not spiteful or "tantrums" as was suggested =)
(Nor did I intend to suggest in any way that you were answerable to the people who choose to use your modifications, I apologise if that is what came across)