While I can't help all the coders here, 'I' can express my thanxx for all their hard work and effort to make vBulletin such a GREAT piece of forum software. Over the past few weeks I've gone through the MODs I've used and tried to donate
something to each of the coders responsible for them. It's not much, but I just wanted them to know that
I care that they took the time to develop the MODs they have. :up:
vBulletin isn't a cheap piece of software, and if each MOD here were priced according to it's value (to an Administrator) I could not afford what all I have installed.
It doesn't cost you anything, but a few minutes of your time to THANK a coder if you're using their MOD(s). That's the least anyone should do, if they understand the dynamics of life and karma in general.
Try the shoe on the other foot; How would YOU feel after coding a MOD, if no one ever
really thanked you?
Remember, you can also express your heartfelt

gratitude by clicking on a Support Developer button occasionally, and making a small worthwhile contribution to this community of tremendous coders.