This hack is full of bugs, don't pay for the full version of this hack. Even though he hides a post there are about 3 ways to view the information anyways. Since this is a development forum I'm going to post the bugs i have found.
a) Go to What's New in vbulletin and if you mouse over any of the hidden threads the tool tip will show the hidden information anyways
b) Let's say a user posted a hide of some sort. You can click the user, "find all posts" by that user and you display all hidden text again.
c) Same as above with finding all threads made by user.
Too me if a "hide hack" can not actually do its own basic function which is to hide things, then the product does not deliver at all, and should be put back into beta/undeveloped status. I don't know where you get off trying to charge money for this.