Originally Posted by doubleclick
I installed this yesterday, and until I have more experience, I have it set to allow all registrations, yet keep a log.
While viewing the log this morning, the messages next to the users say either:
- Result on field ip - - Spammer but allowed by policy
- Allowed registration
The thing is, when I search for these users listed in the stopforumspam log, they don't exist in my forum.
What am I doing wrong here?
You aren't doing
anything wrong. What you will find is that a large number of the attempts never complete the registration process, at least that has been my experience.
In my case, I moderate all registrations. It's a low traffic, very specific needs site. I may get one legit registration a month (except during a seasonal active period), 1000 or more log entries from the spammers, and maybe only 5 that actually follow thru. It's weird, but in my case, that's the way it works out.
The message "allowed registration" only means the vbStopForumSpam did not stop the process. It doesn't mean that registration actually occurred.